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New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission
(Industrial Gazette)

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Page No.
DescriptionRIRC - Award Review by Industrial Relations Commission
Publication No.C0603
Award Code 1461  
Date Posted06/27/2002

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Review of Award pursuant to Section 19 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996.


(No. IRC 1322 of 2001)


Before The Honourable Justice Marks

8 August 2001








Clause No.          Subject Matter


1.         Parties To, Title and Duration of the Award

2.         Anti-Discrimination

3.         Definitions

4.         Area and Incidence

5.         Conditions of Employment

6.         Pallet Control

7.         Freight Note Control

8.         PUD (Pick-up and Delivery) Committee

9.         Procedures Relating to Disputes etc.  Between Employers and their Employees

10.       All Purpose Wage Increases and Further Productivity Measures

11.       Wage Increase - No Extra Claims

12.       Further Discussions






Table 1 - Wages - Full Time Weekly Employees



1.  Parties to, Title and Duration of the Award


The parties to this Award shall be the employer and the Transport Workers' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch.


This Award shall be known as the TNT Express Specialised Services Consent Award. 


This award is made following a review under section 19 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 and rescinds and replaces the TNT Express Specialised Services Consent Award published on 19 May 2000 (315 I.G. 861) and all variations thereof.


The award published on 19 May 2000 took effect from the first full pay period to commence on or after 22 July 1998 and remained in force for a period of 1 year. The changes made to the award pursuant to the Award Review pursuant to section 19 (6) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 and Principle 26 of the Principles for Review of Award made by the Industrial Relations Commission of the New South Wales on 18 December 1998 (308 IG 307) take effect on and from 8 August 2001.


This award remains in force until varied or rescinded, the period for which it was made having expired.


2.  Anti-Discrimination


2.1        It is the intention of the parties bound by this award to seek to achieve the object in section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace.  This includes discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender identity, age and responsibilities as a carer.


2.2        It follows that in fulfilling their obligations under the dispute resolution procedure prescribed by this award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the operation of the provisions of this award are not directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects.  It will be consistent with the fulfilment of these obligations for the parties to make application to vary any provision of the award, which, by its terms or operation, has a direct or indirect discriminatory effect.


2.3        Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is unlawful to victimise an employee because the employee has made or may make or has been involved in a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment.


2.4        Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect:


(a)        any conduct or act which is specifically exempted from anti-discrimination legislation;


(b)        offering or providing junior rates of pay to persons under 21 years of age;


(c)        any act or practice of a body established to propagate religion which is exempted under section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977;


(d)        a party to this award from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any State or federal jurisdiction.


This clause does not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon the parties by the legislation referred to in this clause.



3.  Definitions


For the purpose of this Award, the following definitions shall apply:


"Act" shall mean the New South Wales Industrial Relations Act 1996.


"Parent Award" shall mean the Transport Industry (State) Award (Industrial Gazette Vol. 315, Page 192) as varied, or any Award replacing, succeeding or modifying the Awards that bind the employer.


"Employer" or "TNT Express" shall mean TNT Australia Pty Limited (ACN 000 495 269) trading as TNT Express or any other trading name, which may apply from time to time.


"Union" or "the TWU" shall mean the Transport Workers' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch.



4.  Area and Incidence


This Award shall apply to the employer and persons employed by the employer in the relevant occupations within the scope of the Award.



5.  Conditions of Employment


Except as provided by this Award, the conditions of employment of employees to whom this Award applies shall be those contained in the parent Award.  Where there is inconsistency between this Award and the parent Award, this Award shall prevail.


6.  Pallet Control


6.1        Pallets are items, which are leased to the business or owned by the business.  These items are integral to the transportation of certain items of freight and it is agreed all Employees shall do whatever is reasonable to minimise the cost of using pallets.


6.2        It is further agreed the parties shall work towards 100% control of pallets over the life of this Award by adopting the process as detailed below.


(a)        Employees shall perform duties in accordance with the required Pallet Control Procedure.  A draft of the procedure as proposed by the Employer is contained in Attachment (1) and shall be the subject of further consultation and discussion with the EBA Committee as required;


(b)        Employees shall accept and attend training regarding the required Pallet Control Procedure;


(c)        Employees shall cooperate with the monitoring process ensuring compliance with the Pallet Control Procedure;


(d)        Employees shall cooperate with the identification of any problems; and


(e)        Employees, shall cooperate with the communication process regarding such problems experienced with individual Employees and rectify such problems.


7.  Freight Note Control


7.1        The freight notes which are handled and detailed by drivers and on which the customer relies to pay the company for the services provided, represents the contract between the company and the customer.  It is essential that all drivers perform all duties necessary to ensure the contract with the customers is properly executed and the customer promptly pays the rates required by the company for the service provided.  Employees shall, to the best of their ability, perform the duties required.


7.2        It is agreed that, to achieve the 100% target, the following shall be implemented with respect to freight note control:


(a)        driver education;


(b)        customer education;


(c)        communication procedure between drivers and management to ensure any difficulties with customers and advised so management can rectify any problems;


(d)        the checking and securing of freight nominated as "security freight" consistent with any procedures, and ensuring the details of corresponding freight notes are accurate; and


(e)        monitoring of freight note accuracy will be achieved through audits conducted by the employer.  In addition, identifying and rectifying problems will occur through training, on the job guidance and performance management.


8.  Pud (Pick-Up and Delivery) Committee


8.1        A Committee will be formed that includes two drivers, (one from Computer Delivery and one from Fashion) the site delegate and two management representatives.

8.2        The objective of this committee is to ensure that the 'Pick-up and Delivery Runs' operate efficiently; to provide satisfactory delivery times and pick-up times for customers, and provide a cost-effective fleet.


8.3        Other major tasks include:


(a)        A review of sales opportunities by identifying pick-up opportunities through the course of each run.


(b)        A reduction of 'no lunches', to ensure drivers take breaks.


(c)        PUD drivers to support other PUD drivers when variations in freight volumes effect pick-ups or deliveries.


(d)        A review and development of options for "outer Deliveries" to be done by Enfield, Comet Priority, TNT Domestic and International and or other TNT Divisions.


(e)        Development of a document to monitor savings and efficiencies achieved.


(f)         Objectives to achieve the following outcomes:


(i)         Reduction two PUD vehicles; and


(ii)        Reduction 15 hours, 'no lunches' per week.


8.4        The Committee will review periodically to ensure both financial and service targets are achieved and are in line with Key Performance Indicator Targets.  The committee's responsibility to these tasks will be on going as the business develops with growth.


8.5        Any savings over and above 2.5% offsets shall be recorded (in accordance with sub-clause (c) paragraph (5), and shall be used for the next stage of wage discussions.


9.  Procedures Relating to Disputes Etc Between Employers and Their Employees


9.1        Intention


The Employees, the Union and the Employer undertake to take all necessary steps to ensure that delegates, officers, officials, Employees, union members, executives and company staff follow the procedure as set out herein.  The intention being that any or all disputes shall be promptly resolved by conciliation in good faith without work restrictions, bans and or stoppages occurring.  The parties shall respectively notify each other as soon as possible of any industrial matter that might give rise to a dispute.


9.2        The Procedure


(a)        In the event of a dispute or difficulty arising at job level, the Union delegate and Branch management shall immediately confer and shall attempt to resolve the matter without delay.


(b)        If no agreement is reached, a Union organiser shall discuss the matter in dispute with the Branch Manager (or nominee) within 48 hours.


(c)        If the matter in dispute remains unresolved, the New South Wales Manager (or nominee) shall meet the Branch Secretary of the Union (or nominee) and discuss the matter within 24 hours.  At each discussion other employees, union and/or yard representatives may be in attendance as required.


(d)        The parties agree to ensure that the status quo is maintained during the procedure referred to in this sub-clause without limiting the Employer's right to reasonable exercise its managerial prerogative.

(e)        If the foregoing steps fail to resolve the issue within a reasonable time, the matter in dispute shall be referred by either party to the Commission.


9.3        Right to Refer to the Commission


(a)        The above steps shall not preclude reference of a dispute to the Commission at any stage of the procedure if a party believes it necessary.


(b)        In these circumstances, the Commission shall retain its discretion to refer the parties back to a continuation of the procedure where the Commission considers the course appropriate.


9.4        Continuity of Work


Pending the completion of the procedure set out in this Clause, work shall continue without interruption and all parties agree to use their best endeavours to ensure that continuation.


9.5        Preservation of Rights


The ultimate terms of settlement of the dispute shall not be affected in any way nor shall the rights of any person involved in or affected by the dispute be prejudiced by the fact that work has continued normally without interruption.


9.6        Procedures and Obligations


The procedures and obligations contained herein shall be equally binding on the parties of this Award.  The decisions of the Commission shall be accepted and adhered to by all parties to their rights under the Act.



10.  All Purpose Wage Increases and Further Productivity Measures


10.1      The Employer shall pay to all Employees an ordinary weekly wage consistent with the relevant amount as set out in Part B, Table 1.  The wage increases generated by the payment of the amounts as detailed in Table 1, shall be payable for all Award purposes.  This wage increase shall be in return for the objectives of this Award being fully met on a lasting and continuing basis.  The objectives of this Award are detailed in the Clauses of this Award.



11.  Wage Increase - No Extra Claims


11.1      The increase in wages over and above the Award rate and referred to in this Award shall be payable to each Employee who works and continues to work in accordance with this Award from the date on which the Award is made.


11.2      The TWU agrees on behalf of itself, its officers and members that any State Wage Case or other Award variations will be absorbed in the increases provided by this Award.


11.3      Should the relevant Award rate rise above the rate being paid by the Employer under this Award then the relevant Award rates will be paid by the Employer.






Table 1: Wages - Full Time Weekly Employees




Wages Rates as of 1st Full Pay Period


starting during June 1998 - per week

Transport Worker Grade One


Transport Worker Grade Two


Transport Worker Grade Three


Transport Worker Grade Four


Transport Worker Grade Five


Transport Worker Grade Six


Transport Worker Grade Seven


Transport Worker Grade Eight













Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.


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